T h e
S h a k e
D o w n
P o d c a s t
# 1

Nikolai Rushfeldt, Margit Adde and Viktoria Valslag are three teenagers living in Trondheim that attended three performances at Little Bastard and made a podcast about it.
The three performances discussed are FLÖKT by Bára Sigfúsdóttir and Tinna Ottesen, Cities by Night - Trondheim by Valentina Medda and Habitat by Doris Uhlich. The podcast concludes with a conversation between the teenagers and one of the Habitat participants.
Nikolai and Margit are currently part of a teenage curating team at the theatre – they invited their friend and art enthusiast Victoria along to join the chat.

This conversation is supported by the European Network Perform Europe.

Rosendal Teater

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