Rosendal Theatre is committed to ensuring a work environment that is inclusive, accessible, and sustainable for all involved. We aim to create enriching and favorable working conditions for everyone we collaborate with, including our own team, the field of performing arts, the audience, the broader public, and the communities we are part of.
We believe that these values should be reflected in our work both on and off stage, and we expect the same from those we work with. We recognize our responsibility as a theatre to contribute to a performing arts sector that is bold, inclusive, and sustainable, and we view the following commitments as part of this effort:
Our Commitments
We will be an organization that is inclusive, accessible, sustainable, and responsible in our work practices – with employees, artists and arts organizations, the audience, the wider community, and the environment. We continuously seek to learn and develop ways to achieve this.
- We aim to be a safe place for everyone who comes here, and we expect our team and partners to be leading examples in creating safe conditions.
- We seek and expect to interact with others respectfully, even when we disagree.
- We recognize our privileges and expect the same awareness from those we work with.
- We acknowledge that language is imperfect and that misunderstandings will occur.
- We strive for a collaborative attitude between us and those we work with.
- We work to protect the work, people, and environments we engage with – and we ask the same of those who work with us.
- We endeavor to bring joy to everything we do.
- We strive to be the best partner we can be: flexible, reliable, and safe.
- We are conscious of power dynamics and risk factors for power abuse. We are aware of what constitutes sexual harassment and discrimination and avoid overstepping others' boundaries. Each employee must exercise great caution to avoid misusing the power they hold.
- We maintain a conscious approach to alcohol consumption in work-related situations.
- We are aware of how jokes, humor, and compliments can be perceived differently and are cautious about using nicknames for others and commenting on others' appearances.
- We acknowledge that we do not have unlimited resources and do our best to be transparent in an active dialogue about what we can and cannot offer.
- We encourage seeking consent before physical contact with others.
- We have zero tolerance for:
- Any unwanted verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature
- Any physical or verbal behavior that discriminates, makes assumptions about, or questions a person's credibility based on race, gender, age, religion, appearance, or disability
- Bullying, threats, or harassment
Discrimination: Unequal treatment related to gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion and beliefs, age, caregiving responsibilities, or other significant aspects of a person. Discrimination comes in many forms and includes actions, statements, or omissions.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention and can occur physically, non-physically, verbally, and digitally. It can range from sexually charged staring, comments, and questions about body, gender, sexuality, and orientation, to crude jokes that are offensive, intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or bothersome. There is no requirement for the harasser to act intentionally, and the experiences of the harassed individual will be given significant weight.
Harassment: Unreasonable and unwanted actions, omissions, or statements that have the purpose or effect of being offensive, intimidating, hostile, degrading, or humiliating.

Besøk oss
Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.
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