Wednesday — Thursday16.00 — 23.00 (23:30)
Friday — Saturday16.00 — 01.00 (01:30)
Sunday16.00 — 23.00 (23:30)
Kaféen er alltid åpen før forestilling, uavhengig av åpningstidene.

Rosendal kafé is a home away from home. An informal, cozy and open spot serving food and drinks, a place to hang with nice people you know or don't know yet.
We like prices that don't scare you, events that make the atmosphere pop, art that inspire and smiling people.
We think of ourselves as a kind of Central Perk (remember Friends?) not only for our neighbours, but for all adults, youngsters, kids, seniors in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Did we mention our comfortable sofas?
Do you want to arrange something in our cafe? Show your paintings on the wall? Play a concert with your band or fill up the space with a crowd from work?
Don't hesitate to contact our café manager Kari!
Welcome to Rosendal Kafé!
Har du lyst til å arrangere noe hos oss? Stille ut bilder på veggen eller spille konsert med bandet ditt?
Ta kontakt med kaféleder Kari på kari@rosendalteater.no!
Don't miss out on events in Rosendal Kafé
Lulu Quartet
5. April
Rosendal kafé
Fra 6. April
Rosendal kafé
Suppekjøkken Våren 2025
Fra 11. April
Rosendal kafé
Tor & Willy: Teaterfortellinger
18. April
Rosendal kafé
Fra 25. April
Rosendal kafé
Isak & Ingeborg
27. April
Rosendal kafé
Nabojazz Vår 2025
Fra 30. April
Rosendal kafé
Mari Singstad Trio
1. May
Rosendal kafé
Eskild Okkenhaug - Five by Five
8. May
Rosendal kafé
11. May
Rosendal kafé
Besøk oss
Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.
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