
Creative Climate Justice Seminar

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Launching of the climate justice guide

We invite you and your organisation to join us at Rosendal Teater on 29th September 2023, where we together with Klimakultur are launching a climate justice guide that calls on the Norwegian Performing Arts field to take on a leading role in engaging the public in the on-going climate and environmental emergency.

As a carbon-intensive economy and one of the world’s leading fossil fuel producers, Norway is currently in the midst of a complex reckoning with the crisis. The emergency is already happening, but choices taken now and in the near future will have a huge impact on future life in Norway, as well as the habitability of the planet at large.

The guide doesn’t deny the complexity of the situation, nor underestimate the vast level of global action needed to be taken. Yet, the guide argues that Norway’s public commitment to environmental sustainability, global justice and democratic values, combined with the existential urgency of the challenges upon us, increases the need for arenas where public imagination can be engaged and galvanised.

To launch the guide, Rosendal Theatre hosts a one-day seminar on creative climate justice with a special focus on how arts organisations can use their public-facing platforms to create forums for public engagement. The full ine up for the day can be found below. Sign up via the simple Googleform here.
The same evening, Rosendal Teater throws a party where the bands Beharie and Sløtface will play. More information on the party can be found here.

Location: Rosendal Teater

Language: English

9.00 - 9.15 Coffee Welcome

9.15 - 9.30 Welcome speech

9.30 - 10.45 Panel #1 What can climate justice do?

Farah Ahmed (UK-based Creative Climate Justice organisation Julie's Bicycle)
Lars Haltbrekken (SV Stortinget Representative for Sør-Trøndelag)
Julie Forchhammer (Norway-based Creative Climate Justice organisation Klimakultur) Penelope Lea (Environment and Climate Activist and UNICEF ambassador)

10.45 - 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 - 12.15
Panel #2
What can artists do?

Amanda Pina (Mexican-Chilean choreographer based in Vienna)
Ollie Olanipekun (Founder and creative director of Flock Together – a UK-based bird watching collective for people of colour)
Elin Már Øyen Vister (artist, composer and forager based in Røst, Lofoten/Lofuohta)

12.15 - 13.15
(Rosendal Kafe will be open for those that want a warm lunch)

13.15 - 15.30 Workshop What can you do? Led by Klimakultur and Julie´s Bicycle

A sign language interpreter will be present at the seminar from 9-17. (Norwegian sign language)

Farah Ahmed UK-based Creative Climate Justice organisation Julie's Bicycle
Lars Haltbrekken SV Stortinget Representative for Sør-Trøndelag
Julie Forchhammer Norway-based Creative Climate Justice organisation Klimakultur
Penelope Lea Environment and Climate Activist and UNICEF ambassador
Amanda Pina Mexican-Chilean choreographer based in Vienna
Ollie Olanipekun Founder and creative director of Flock Together – a UK-based bird watching collective for people of colour
Elin Már Øyen Vister Artist, composer and forager based in Røst, Lofoten/Lofuohta
Rosendal Teater

Besøk oss

Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.

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