

Trondheim Symfoniorkester & Opera

Varighet: ca. 90 min.
- contemporary satire in an opera setting

"For many people, having a child is the biggest drama in life. With big emotions. Everyone is offended, in their upbringing and as parents, but which offenses violate what a society can accept? When do we need to intervene?
Are we getting lost in our easy-to-offend age, and don't we see the child for mere offences? Who will protect Barnevernet and how will a parents' meeting sound like in an opera?
In the chamber opera Krenket, everyone is to be offended. For some, even opera is offensive.
" - Marianne Meløy

An opera performance that balances between humor and seriousness, between our modern society's insulting illness and Barnevernet's great power over the individual, between contemporary music and folk music.

The performance was developed in collaboration between Brøløy, Kamfest and TSO.

Public contact for TSO: Tove Nervik,

Director Ivar Tindberg
Musical director Trygve Brøske
Author Marianne Meløy
Synnøve Eir Inderhaug
Geir Over/Hiphop-bamsen Torstein Fosmo
Hege Mari/Lærer Maija Skille
Sara/Ingjerd Nina Sætherhaug
Linda Tonje Eero Hove
Heidi/Anniken Maria Moen Nohr
Hanna Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe
Tor-Rune/Nyhetsreporter Stian Økland
Harald Sverre Johan Aal
Hermann Morten Kvaal
Maria Lise Granden Berg
Adult 350
Senior 300
Student and child 100
Companion 0
Rosendal Teater

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Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.

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