

Folk concert

Østerlide dresses the folk melodies in new costumes, of wounded, light, dark, strong and rough fabrics.

(Tickets will be available soon)


Shimmering like sun on water, vocals and glockenspiel wind around dripping pearls of guitar. Bright and ethereal soundscapes are replaced by driving guitar riffs and percussion at full throttle.

We are served blood-drenched stories from the darkest Middle Ages, miracles and revenants, love and heartfelt longing for heaven. At the centre, as before, are the unbreakable and timeless folk melodies that have been shaped and honed over the centuries.

When the melodies and stories are reshaped in Østerlide's sound world, they take on new shades of colour, light and shadow, but remain the same: - New and old at the same time!

The concert is supported by FFUK and Arts Council Norway

Photo: Ingvil Skeie Ljones

Liv Ulvik Vocal
Andreas Haddeland Guitars
Ulrik Ibsen Thorsrud Percussion
Rosendal Teater

Besøk oss

Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.

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