

by Norrdans (SE)

Welcome to this fairytale for curious humans from 13 years and over.

Varighet: 1 hour
Thursday 10. October 19:00
Sal 1
A imaginative performance about the small, the big and the in-betweens. Shoegaze explores perspectives in our existence, what we see when looking down and what we tread on as we go. Meet the tiny and the big in this magical dance performance.

In the music genre Shoegaze, the musicians always look focused down at the floor, at their feet. What are they looking at? Choreographer Kristin Helgebostad compares them to enormous giants who look down on complex hyper-landscapes of moss, ants, wasps and insects. Like the giant Atlas, from Greek mythology, who was condemned to hold up the heavens on his shoulders, we all, including the giant, must bear the fact that we are treading on what is beneath us.

Presented by DansiT

About the artists

Kristin Ryg Helgebostad

Kristin Ryg Helgebostad is a Norwegian performer and choreographer based in Oslo. She welcomes a wide range of different performative and choreographic strategies into her practice and works in several collaborations both as a performer and a choreographer. Long term collaborators include Ingeleiv Berstad, Laura Marie Rueslåtten, Eivind Seljeseth, Chrisander Brun, Ida Wigdel and Irene Theisen. She is a part of Bananaz, an association that binds together various performing artists and their work and emphasises collective working methods.

Chrisander Brun

The multi-artist Chrisander Brun is characterized by an inventive and visually accurate artistry. Chrisander has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the Dramatic Institute, in theater and performing arts (June 2010). The list of artistic collaborations and projects is long, but an excerpt from recent years' work is Galaksehopen, Exit Parkour, Cash Money Flow (2022), Partita no. 2, Antigone, Romeo and Juliet, The Boss Lady Ingeborg, Pride and Prejudice Landscape (2021). Chrisander has previously created lighting, scenography and costume design as well as performance photography for Norrdan's performance Everlasting Event (2023) and PROXY (2019). The last few years' concept images for Norrdans are also photographed by Chrisander.

Choreographer Kristin Ryg Helgebostad
Scneographer, Costume and Light Designer Chrisander Brun
Composer TBA
Sound Design TBA
Dancers Viktoria Andersson, Fie Dam Mygind, Kaelin Isserlin, Kevin Julianto, Sierra Kellman, Sofia Larriera, Chang Liu
Level 1 250,-
Level 2 200,-
Level 3 150,-
Level 4 100,-
Level 5 75,-
Solidarity ticket (Pay a little extra so that those who can't can pay less) 400,-
Rosendal Teater

Besøk oss

Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.

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