
Turning vinegar into wine

By ULF Kompani (NO)

A visual and emotional journey through the beauty and vulnerability of the aging gay body

Varighet: 70 min
A group of gay male bodies have taken residence in a room. They are of different ages, but they all keep getting older - every minute, constantly.

Always older - until time stops

How does it feel?

What does it mean?

The bodies are beautiful, the bodies are ugly, the bodies are fit, the bodies are weak.

The sun slowly moves across the sky, the skin is pulled towards the earth.

Is this a birthday?

Presenteres av DansiT


ULF Kompani is a collaboration between dance artist Ulf Nilseng, scenographer and performance artist Corentin JPM Leven, and composer and musician Amund Ulvestad. They met during the creation of the critically acclaimed trilogy ULF goes Religious (2018-2022), which explored homosexuality in relation to religion and religious rituals, initiated by Ulf Nilseng. Together, they create performing arts focusing on gay identities, homo-aesthetics, and gay life. With Turning Vinegar into Wine, they delve into new subject matter, namely the skin, the aging gay body, and the specific gay experience of growing older.

Idea and artistic responsibility: Corentin JPM Leven, Ulf Nilseng og Amund Ulvestad
Performers: Øyvind Jørgensen, Marius Kjos, Ulf Nilseng og Amund Ulvestad
Composer and Sound Design Amund Ulvestad
Scenography and Costume: Corentin JPM Leven
Lighting Designer: Magnus Mikaelsen
Project Manager Corentin JPM Leven
Outer Eye: Huy Le Vo
Producer: Jorunn Kjersem Hildre
Supported by: Kulturrådet, Fond for lyd og bilde, Fond for utøvende kunstnere
Co-production: Dansens Hus og DansiT
Photo: Tale Hendnes/Dansens Hus
Level 1 250,-
Level 2 200,-
Level 3 150,-
Level 4 100,-
Level 5 75,-
Rosendal Teater

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Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.

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