Don't miss our shows!
No Dreams, No Gold
Fra 14. February
Sal 1
Frontal Prolaps
16. February
Rosendal kafé
Fra 20. February
Sal 1
Adrift i Trondheim
20. February
Rosendal kafé
Fra 21. February
Rosendal kafé
Fra 23. February
Rosendal kafé
Operakafé: Hjelp! Det er VM!
25. February
Rosendal kafé
Greetings from Rosendal
Fra 27. February
See what is happening at Rosendal Kafé
Frontal Prolaps
16. February
Rosendal kafé
Fra 21. February
Rosendal kafé
Operakafé: Hjelp! Det er VM!
25. February
Rosendal kafé
28. February
Rosendal kafé
Adriana 5
19. March
Rosendal kafé
SuperCharger Duo
30. March
Rosendal kafé
Mari Singstad Trio
1. May
Rosendal kafé
11. May
Rosendal kafé
Concerts at Rosendal
Frontal Prolaps
16. February
Rosendal kafé
Adriana 5
19. March
Rosendal kafé
SuperCharger Duo
30. March
Rosendal kafé
Mari Singstad Trio
1. May
Rosendal kafé
Besøk oss
Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.
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