Circles and Swing! / Aband(on)ed
by Danseteateret & Danselaboratoriet (NO)
Mer dansekunst?
Workshop: – Letting go of things
PRAXIS with emilyn claid
26. March
DansiT - Svartlamon
Workshop: Creating immersive performances and artistic experiences
with Dalija Acin Thelander
27. March
DansiT - Svartlamon
Fest for pensjonister med DJ Vika!
Age limit 67 years
27. March
Rosendal kafé
Artist Talk & Friday Night: Why improvise?
With Anna Thu Schmidt, Anne Golberg Stavn & Elen Øyen
28. March
Kunsthall Trondheim
Rosendal Teater
Besøk oss
Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.
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