
Revisiting Nina’s Solo

Nina Wollny (DE/NO)

Varighet: ca. 1 time
“In Revisiting Nina’s Solo I would like to invite you on a journey through the inside of my body…”

Revisiting Nina’s Solo is a performance by and with Nina Wollny. Through a deeply physical dance, she examines a multiplicity of bodies that are in a state of constant change; the body that changes with the passing of time, the body that has given birth, the body that has experienced spontaneous abortion, the pregnant and non-pregnant body. What do these bodies look like? How do they move? What do we expect of them? Is there space for a diversity of expressions and experiences of these bodies or is it easier when they stay inside a predictable and preconceived form?

Revisiting Nina’s Solo is a dance with an invitation to an open conversation about what is often not talked about.

About Nina Wollny

Nina Wollny (DE) gained her first performance experience when she joined a youth ballet company from age 11 to 19. She proceeded to study modern and contemporary dance in the Netherlands. After graduating she worked in the Amsterdam-based company anoukvandijk dc as dancer, rehearsal director and artistic assistant for more than 10 years. Now based in Trondheim, Norway she works as a freelance dance artist with companies like Mia Habib Productions and BodyCartographyProject.

Since 2013 Nina has regularly worked with German choreographer Jenny Beyer at Kampnagel in Hamburg, Germany, as dancer and co-choreographer. Beyer is the initiator and concept-creator of the piece Début (2019). Revisiting Nina’s Solo is inspired by the solo Nina created for Début, which featured four solo performances choreographed by four different artists.

Nina began teaching dance when she was 15 to deepen her own understanding of the art form. In 2004 she started teaching a specific method developed in the company anoukvandijk dc, called Countertechnique. Since 2020 Nina is focusing on exploring her own interests and methods of sharing dance based on how our presence and movements relate to the function and structure of the human body.

Recently Nina has been drawn to start sharing her fascination of the human body in her own artistic and performative work. Revisiting Nina’s Solo marks the starting point of this process.

Presented by DansiT

Concept, Choreography and Dance: Nina Wollny
Music: Jetzmann
Dramaturg: Asgerdur G. Gunnarsdottir
Technician: Torje Eikenes
Funded by: Trondheim Kommune, FFUK
Co-produced by: DansiT
Costume: Solveig Stolz, inspired by a concept created with Gloria Brillowska
Photo: Thies Rätzke
Level 1 250,-
Level 2 200,-
Level 3 150,-
Level 4 100,-
Level 5 75,-

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Rosendal Teater is placed in the eastern part of Trondheim, at the other side of the crossing near Lademoen Church. The closest bus stop is Rønningsbakken. Bicycle parking at our wall towards the gas station.

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